Becoming Beckley

September 2016

Happy Labor Day! I hope everyone is enjoying this glorious 3 day weekend. Our weekend has been pretty full. Today, I am catching up on a few things and preparing for the week ahead while Colt is at his fantasy football draft. #priorities

While Summer isn’t technically over for a few more weeks, today marks the ceremonial end of summer. School is back in session and that means back to busy weekends, hectic work weeks, being on a schedule and trying to stay organized. Working out and making healthier dinner choices is on the to do list as well. It also means that hopefully I can get back into a routine of blogging. We came back from vacation and I immediately went back to work. Starting out in a new grade level has kept my plate pretty full. Today has been the first day in a long while where I didn’t have somewhere to be or something scheduled. And that my friends, feels amazing!

Yesterday, we attended the wedding of our friends, Shane & Alyssa. I think I wrote a post awhile back explaining how we met Shane but here’s a quick recap. We first met Shane at the TCU MBA gala a few months before Shane & Colt began grad school. Since then they have remained close. When Shane & Alyssa began dating we all immediately hit it off and we’ve all been friends since. We have enjoyed watching their love grow for each other and yesterday was nothing short of perfect!

How sweet is this excerpt Shane & Alyssa wrote about Colt on their wedding website:

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Since Colt was one of Shane’s groomsmen, we attended the rehearsal luncheon on Saturday at Riscky’s BBQ off Camp Bowie. Best BBQ I’ve had in a long time!  We got to snap a picture with the beautiful bride to be before leaving. SO excited for wedding day on Sunday!

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The wedding ceremony was held at Holy Family Catholic Church in Fort Worth. Everyone looked so dapper and Alyssa of course looked gorgeous!

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The groom

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My handsome hubby

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Here comes the bride!

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The kiss is my favorite!

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Mr. & Mrs. Beckley!

The ceremony was beautiful. Like many of you, I just love weddings! Hearing the vows being said takes me back to my own wedding day 3 years ago. It’s incredible how on your wedding day, you think you can’t love your spouse any more but that’s not true. Not to sound cliche, but as the days and weeks pass, and with the adventures you two share, and the difficult times that you get through together, it just makes you love & cherish your spouse more and more. AmIright?! I love seeing how our marriage continues to blossom and I can’t wait to see Shane & Alyssa’s blossom over the years as well.

After the ceremony there was a little bit of a lag time between the ceremony and the reception. Our friends, Michael & Angela, were so kind to unexpectedly host all of us and a cocktail hour at their place until it was time to head over to the reception.

The reception was held at ArtSpace 111. It was such a neat building! Every detail was perfect. They had wedding collages of the guests at their own wedding. What a great idea! Can you find ours?

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We made the wedding collage! Can you spot US?! 🙂

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Me, Brett, Jenn, Angela, & Michael

For dinner they provided Taco Trucks & Burger Trucks!!! How cool is that??? Loved this idea!

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nom nom

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First Dance

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The main cake was surrounded by lots of mini Nothing Bundt Cakes. Unfortuantely,  I didn’t get a picture of the mini bundt cakes before they were all gone. I grabbed mine quick because I knew they would be scooped up in a flash! I got a chocolate one & Colt ate a cinnamon swirl one. Both were so incredibly delicious!!!! There was also a S’mores station at the reception! So many food and sweets. That’s what makes a great reception! Hah!

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Roasting S’mores!

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Selfie with my groom ❤

Since the reception was outdoors, the humidity made my hair wilt, but it didn’t take away from the fun and dancing we all had.

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Michael & Angela!

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Group pic with our TCU MBA Family

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So grateful for all these wonderful people we have met on this adventure. #TCUMBA

We ended the night with a picture with the newlyweds. Food, friends, fun, dancing and a wedding is a great way to celebrate this long weekend! Congratulations, Mr. & Mrs. Beckley! We cannot wait to make many more memories together throughout the years. Thank you for letting us be a part of your special day. The wedding was beautiful & we know the marriage will be even more so. Hoping your wedding day is only the beginning of all your hopes & dreams come true. Welcome to married life, you’re gonna love it!

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The Beckleys & The Mirandas


Feeling all the feels after an indulgent weekend with people we love. So grateful for all the friends who have become family over this past year. Here’s to another great school year!

We love you all!